Who's really taking liberties in Ireland? Part II

Several days have passed ... the debate has rumbled on - a lot of it on Twitter, under the hashtag #libertiespress.

A tweet from writer David Gaughran gave me pause to reconsider my earlier post on this subject.

And it was such a good, succinct point, that I've since been pulled the other way a bit. While I'd still in principle defend the right of a business to run its business the way it chooses, I think I would now more strongly recommend against using this service - and suggest that if a new writer did want to receive a critique, an independent and experienced editor or MS critic would be the far better way to go. Is it against the spirit of publishing? I'm leaning towards yes, but I'm still uncertain.

Anyway, The Irish Times have reported on the brouhaha that has followed, including in their report the tweet from the Irish Writers Union criticising the Liberties Press move which I pasted into my previous post.

However, The Irish Writers Union also criticised The Irish Times for their rights-demanding writing competition which I also blogged on several days ago.

... and I doubt we'll be seeing coverage of that in the paper, will we? 

Why is nobody making a fuss over the Irish Times, but plenty over Liberties Press? I'll leave you with the thoughts of Gaughran again, which I'm inclined to agree with.

Depressing, isn't it? 

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